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Immigration: Its not just about Mexicans
Posted: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9 Hours 3 Minutes 14 Seconds Ante Meridian

The immigration debate is beginning to get on my nerves. I mean really, it is. Over the past few days the Mexicans have been marching in this country, having rallies, stopping traffic and causing a wee bit of havoc to be managed by the police. There are some issues that aren't being addressed here. This is how I see it.

  • The illegal immigrants don't deserve any rights in this county beyond decency and international law. They are here illegally. I invite you to take a gander at what happens to people who are in Mexico illegally. 
  • A large problem for Mexicans is literacy. A lot of Mexicans cant even read and write Spanish let alone English. Unfortunately (for them) to come to this country legally (and to get into Mexico for that matter) requires literacy to fill out forms and deal with bureaucracies. Houston (or in this case Laredo) we have a problem
  • If they want to be in the United States so bad, why not wave the American flag, instead of the Mexican flag while screwing up traffic. They might even get a little sympathy.
  • They are putting a strain on everything from our socialized (government provided) health care to the prison system. Unfortunately they money spent on them is not being repaid in taxes. A lot of them are being paid in cash.
  • Mexicans aren't the only people affected by this bill. They are simply the largest group. Ireland and China (which come to mind, but there are many others) are doing the same thing. They however because of distance, use safer more reliable means of transportation. Demographically they are better educated and, use literacy as a tool (by filling out forms) to get here by obtaining tourist visa's and never leaving.

Its time for this mess to stop. Its time for tough legislation to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country. Its also time for the Republican Party to stop pandering to them, mining them for votes in close elections.

The solution is simple:      

First, the easy part:

  • Start jailing and sending back the illegal immigrants regardless of where they come from.
  • Mechanize the policing of the borders with drones, radar, cameras and other security technologies.
  • Build a wall to discourage illegal immigration where necessary.
  • Use the army bases near the Mexican and Canadian borders as a source of personnel and equipment until INS can be properly staffed.

Now comes the hard part:

  • Restore, modernize and re-open Ellis Island and start living up to the slogan sign that welcomes people to this country. If you are yearning to be free, this (the United States) is the place to do it.
  • Start up the mass-processing of people, get them documented and get them to work. We as a country should welcome all who come here to be productive. I personally embrace them. But lets do it right.

In reality the vast majority of Mexicans and others here have come to work and provide for their families, risking their lives to do so. For that, these people have my respect. If only other minorities in this country would consider risking their lives to get a job instead of Spreewells.. I wonder what life would be like for them if they did?

Now there is something else to think about.

Simjournal Comments
Name: no name
Date: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 1:39:14 PM
Subject:you don't know the half of it...
Do you know that most rapist here in houston texas are hispanic or illegal? Do you want to know where my little 5 year old cousin is today???! IN THE GROUND BURIED DEAD!!! Do you want to know why? Because a illegal raped her then stuck a beer bottle in her privates. Why do you go back back to your country. You are a rotten pig just like your ancestors. I hate you. Tu Creer que tu es mejor que todos? Que fao. You want to know something my family is from a spanish country, and i know how you are.I'm 100% in your face. ALL IMMIGRATORS need to go back, and you go with them. And why they all run here, Why won't they try to stay and FIX their country and make it better. America is being used by all country. You say illegals work hard, they get a full pay check and american pay the taxes to give to their lazy A** wifes for foodstamps. You all are stupid and I hope you open your eyes. I"m hispanic and i know how hispanics hate whites. THE plan is to multiply have more and more babies so then hispanics can take over the U.S.A In the end all of you who taken up for them will leave you in the dust later. Buena suerte dummies.

Name: Jenna
Date: Friday, September 28, 2007 7:58:20 AM
Subject:About Mexicans and Immigration
Your right I feel that a lot os Americans feel threatened. I am an American but I don't feel that way. No body is full blooded American any was, so I don't see why they have to complain. I accept everybody's culture's and backgrounds. I try to change peoples minds but it don't work. I don't accept the fact that you think that Americans feel threatened. Not of of us do so say some not all. That is like me saying that ALL immigrators need to go back to where they came form. Just be carful what you say because I feel offended and I have done nothing wrong for you to label us like that just because some Americans feel that way. Thank you!!!

Name: Jason Frame
Date: Sunday, August 19, 2007 5:20:41 AM
Subject:About mexicans and immigration
First of all my name is Jason Frame and I am an american. I am half italian and half Ukraine. Im stating this before I leave a comment just to let you know I look at this issue from unbiased eyes. In my humble opinion, I think that Americans feel THREATENED by the mexican people because they are hard workers and have good old fashioned family values. Granted, some are jail birds just like any other race, but really, mexicans bust their asses at the work place from what Ive seen and been around. Im 30 years old also just to reflect on some of the years I have workd with mexicans. I have never had a problem with them and they seem to be quiet family people trying to make a living. I honestly think Americans have gotten fat and lazy. Before I turned 23 years old I was always in shape 32/34 inch waste but now with the americanization setting in Im just getting fatter with computer technology as are many americans. No wonder our death toll is rising and no wonder the mexican race is so long lived. They eat bean buritos and tomatoes and lettuc and work most of their days. Their blood pressue is lower because they work and spend time with their families. Im not jealous of mexicans nor do I wish I was one. I just couldnt help but make this observation in America, as I truly feel America is threatened by the mexican culture and that is why the immigration issue is such a hot topic. We Americans just dont want to admit the fact that this is true so we protest illegal mexicans in the US. Sad but true. Call me whatever you want for my statement, but Jesus is Lord and we can learn alot from other cultures if we just take the time to witness what is really going on. Conclusion: Lets open up the Mexican border and start working on the Iraq border instead. Lets get the Mexicans in the American Army and join together against the real enemy - ISLAM. Hamas blow themselves up and murder children with shoe bombs. How can we possibly think Israel is the enemy? We need the Mexicans to join our forces to drive out the Eastern culture back into the Sea. The Indians,Mexicans, and Americans were here first and its time to take a stand together to fight a common enemy. I sure dont see Mexicans hijacking airplanes and planning on blowing up towers, I see them working hard for an American dollar. They are just like anyone else - trying to achieve the American dream. Well Amen and God Bless you all.

Name: Claudia
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2007 3:25:13 PM
Everyone has a dream and us "the immigrants" ,as many people see us, have bigger dreams. We come here for a better life, more opportunites. We come here so we dont have to see our children suffer because they dont have enough to eat. We dont come here to take your jobs away from you. The jobs that we do are the jobs that you dont want to do. I dont see american people cleaning houses or toilets for that matter you call us "the immigrants" to do it for you, why are the majority of construction people hispanic,because other people dont want to stand outside in the heat or the cold weather. We the immigrants do speak english and pay taxes. We should be treated equally and with respect. When you think about it it's not only the hispanics that are breaking the law, now a days every nationality is doing so.

Name: erica
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:30:04 PM
i think that all people that say "people from out of the country should be kicked out because they are not from here" well guess what for instince mexicans where here first from the Indians actually we were here first im not saying get out but thats the truth and here is an example my father he is not from here but he makes $3000 a week and instead of being mediorcore yelling out why mexicans should leave he works his butt off all day.And he has a nice car which those people dont they went walking so i think they are ignorant. This is for you "toasty one" get real come on the "WHITE PEOPLE ALSO lay on their asses to just getting food stamps all the time unlke us we dont have papers and we stll work our asses off and you,you have the opportunities to work so get YOUR lazy WHITE ass up a d get a real job.

Name: sondriecohe
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:11:58 AM
I would like to know why after all these years, people of color are considered lazy when they cannot find jobs that will pay enough to support their families? I work at a carpet manufacturing plant which employs many Mexicans, they don't speak english, but are trained by english speaking employees. They are driving to work in expensive SUV's that us working Americans can't afford working at the same plant! Why are they not paying taxes on their income, we Americans are! I have heard that they send their money back to Mexico, well what about the many American citizens who send money to their back to their families in other countries? Why are they being taxed because they became American citizens? What about the Native Americans, they are taxed, as are the African Americans, and why? The Native Americans were here first and were taken advantage of, stripped of their land, dignity, etc. but Africans were Taken from their country, they did not ask to come to America, why are the ancestors of these slaves not getting the same benefits as the Mexicans? I have nothing against anyone I just think what is fair is fair. I think everyone should be treated equally, if you live and work in the US, learn to read, write, and speak English. It is the official language here! Why is it that Blacks are considered lazy when they are not paid the same wages in high position jobs as Whites? Is that not a problem? Why is it that housing, medical, and everything else in the US is so expensive, but when they can't make enough money and have to resort to welfare or other programs to help out they are labeled lazy? What about the laziness of our Government for not making it possible for every AMERICAN to be able to afford to live decently, get adequate medical, or being able to afford to go to college? For that matter why is the minimum wage still so low, you couldn't possibly expect the people who work for minimum wage to be able to live comfortably. Many work from paycheck to paycheck and still can't afford rent, food, medical, utilities, without the help of the Government. Don't blame the people, blame the Government for not taking care of their own! Look at how the Government treated the Hurricane Katrina victims, why because they were Black? But they are quick to run to aid other countries! Why is that? I need someone to explain to me why you would forsake your own to go help other victims not even in your own backyard! As I said before blame the Government for all the wrongdoing! They make the laws, some of which do not apply to Americans!

Name: Suzy Q
Date: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:15:41 AM
Our constitution, says we the people of the UNITED STATES not,of Mexico! Their Constitution,is some thing ever one should read. See for yourself how,they feel about immigrants. Mexico, need's to amend it's constitution. They have the guts to say were races. America, needs to adopt Mexico, rules and aply them only to immigrants that come from their. Immigrants from other country's that treats Americans, like dogs, they get the same treatment. I sorry, but our constitution Title 8 Section 1325 say's that all who cross our border, has broken our law, you are a criminal!! You, do need to go back to Mexico and come to America,the right way. I do get up set, when I think about things, for I'm 1/2 Cherokee and I have family members that are Mexican and I love them,as I do the rest of the family. But you are wrong, to come here as you all have.

Name: Adriana
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:55:47 PM
Dear mrscrzy, It was not my intention to offend you. I, just like everyone else, wrote my opinion on the matter. When I wrote that American's can't write worth a crap, I wasn't referring to anyone sepcific. Awhile back, I was watching the news, it was talking about the reconstuction of New Orleans. What suprised me was that the people who lived there before the destruction of the hurricanes didn't want to participate in the reconstruction of their city. In that report it was also commented that they were turning to the immigrants,to rebuild New Orleans. Afterward, we saw that the New Orleans community was stationed in trailers, living off welfare, just waiting for the city to be rebuilt. I, as a hipanic, was taught to be independent, not exactly living on my own, but doing everything for myself. I have been working since I was about eight; I've baby-sat, mowed lawns, cleaned others houses, and I have been a field worker. My childhood wasn't an easy one, but it did make me stronger. It helped me through my difficult times. Many Americans have had the fortune to live leisurely since they were born. Not many Lations have such luck. When you said that hispanics built their country, it made me think. All countries start from scrarch, and the only thing the immigrants are doing is trying to make their work stand up strong and continue that way. Look back into the past, and you will see the future. Again my apologies to anyone offended by our opinion.

Name: mrscrzy
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:30:30 AM
Subject:last part of my post.. Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:26:36 AM
Our American Dream! Before that can happen you have to learn the American way of life. Our Laws, Our language, That means coming to this country LEGAL. Not sneaking in and hiding, thats breaking Our Laws. Your So Smart try reading the Constitution again!!!!Being told to speak in English when it clearly says in the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment one that "ALL" Americans have the freedom of speech. (((( Amendment 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of rievances.))) It Means You as an American you have the rights to rally, and be heard, write books. ENGLISH is Our language, We have pride, Values, Respect for Our Country.. If hispanics won't speak English, they don't have Pride or Values or Respect for Americans. Other countrys Come and Learn how to write and speak English, We don't have to put there language or native language On everything we buy in America. We should not have to do that with spanish... we dont live in Mexico, or any other spanish speaking country, So why do we have to look all over a package to find English. You should look at all the facts before you write about something you don't know much about. We as Americans will have to learn spanish to live a normal life to feel comfortable in our own country. Im not rasist but people like you makes me want to start being that way.. mrscrzy

Name: mrscrzy
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:26:36 AM
This is for ->(Adriana y Cecilia) If you would of read my first line? You would of seen immigration spelled right, So I made a typo! So read what you wrote I found A few typos also. Your No Better than us white Americans. As for me dissing on latinos, for literacy Well If you can't write english, or read, or talk in english then you are illiterate. I was in court getting A divorce, A Hispanic women was also getting A divorce, that has lived in the USA for 15 years, she needed a translator to understand English, she is illiterate, along with all the others in court on that day, Im sure it's like that or close or worse on a everyday bases.. You say look at the fields = My family worked in them fields, grandparents, aunts, uncles, my mom and dad. I have pictures to prove it. Them jobs are gone now for Americans, with more Americans on welfare, Fast-Food places how could A english speaking person get A job with All the hispanics working! they don't speak english when they are working only for taken orders, we as Americans that speak English, Can't understand. Thats not fair to US.. This is Our Country Our Land We Have A Right To Say Who Can Come Or Not... I have looked at both sides, It's hispanic's like you!!! That make Americans feel racial --> ((( YOU WROTE - "Americans" that can't spell worth a crap. ALSO YOU WROTE - Honestly, take a look at the fields, when have you seen a "white" person working their ass off in the hot sun? NEVER! ALSO YOU WROTE - I'm sure that you as a child have never even learned how to do something as simple as sweeping or washing dishes.))) YOU ALSO SAID! (((Many hispanics are coming here to work , not to rape and waste thier time in jail.))) As Far As You say -> (((But we do differ in some things. We have values, pride, respect for others, and we are not discriminating against other cultures without understanding their position.)))-> You look down on American's! It's in what you wrote! I have not seen values, or pride, or respect in the hispanic cultures, When 5 familys live in one house!!! Or won't learn English or speak it. hispanics had to be told to carry an American flag in there rallys HaHaHa Thats respect for Americans HaHaHa HISPANICS built There Country But they want to leave it!" To Come live in America, But We Can't spell, We can't work cuse we are lazy, We don't have values or pride or respect. ((( Today's News The Senate voted Wednesday to exclude illegal immigrants convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors from a chance at remaining in the United States under what critics say is an amnesty program.American's built this Country, Our FREEDOM has not came easy, my husband was in the Army for 22 yrs fought in the Vietnam war, my dad and grandpa fought in world war 1 & 2, my son was in Iraq 3 times. Look at all the blood this country has given for Freedom, (( Vietnam war the total is now 58,249 names listed on the Memorial. Approximately 1200 of these are listed as missing (MIA's, POW's, and others )) World War Two 295,000 deaths. I should not have to go on, You get my point. But we are so bad, So Lazy, as you put it... Then why do So Many want to come here? Our American Dream! Before that can happen you have to learn the American way of life. Our Laws, Our language, That means coming to this country LEGAL. Not sneaking in and hiding, thats breaking Our Laws. Your So Smart try reading the Constitution again!!!!Being told to speak in English when it clearly says in the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment one that "ALL" Americans have the freedom of speech. (((( Amendment 1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government

Name: Adriana y Cecilia
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:51:55 PM
First of all, we are hispanic and we can spell (immigration) right. . I'm sorry but your dissing on latinos for illiteracy! When it's the "Americans" that can't spell worth a crap. I agree with some people who support the immigrants. Honestly, take a look at the fields, when have you seen a "white" person working their ass off in the hot sun? NEVER! Not only am I hispanic but I am also part white, Try to look at both sides instead of writting shit without understanding the debate. Many hispanics are coming here to work , not to rape and waste thier time in jail. If you take your time, put yourself in their position. Think about your future, your children. Would you want your child standing under a streetlight selling newspaper, candy or washing windshields to help out the family? I'm sure that you as a child have never even learned how to do something as simple as sweeping or washing dishes. Many are here in search of the American Dream, as you like to call it. They are not here searching for conflict, they are here to get their families ahead. They seek better educations and the opportunity to be equal and become someone. We are not very different from you . But we do differ in some things. We have values, pride, respect for others, and we are not discriminating against other cultures without understanding their position. Think about it!!!!!!! I've heard that if you live or are born in "America" you are "American". Many of us aren't considered Americans by today's society. Everyday at school I have to hear some racial comment that makes me laugh. It's either go back to Mexico beaners or why are you here. Being told to speak in English when it clearly says in the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment one that "ALL" Americans have the freedom of speech.We to are people and seek equalitiy , we consider you, why not considerd "US"?

Name: mrscrzy
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:04:25 PM
Hello, I was going to start my day off without thinking about Immigration news It just upsets me. My dad came from the Azore Islands in 1920, But he was proud to be in the USA, He learned ENGLISH not like the immigrants today, I hate to read labels on stuff you buy, English is like a second langage now. It's not RIGHT, We need to pass a law, ENGLISH FIRST.. breaking our laws, and want the USA to reward them by giving them citazinship for sneaking into the USA. They take our jobs, years ago you seen high school kids working in fast foods ( not anymore ) now more Americans are on welfair, our schools are over crowed, pay teachers to teach there children English, when there parents are to lazy to learn English, my Daughter has been laughed at for not knowing spanish. This is America, why should we have to see so much spanish wrote all over everything we read, or go shopping and all you hear is everyone speaking spanish. From what I can have seen immigrants TODAY are not proud to be here.. Illegal immigrants are breaking the law, When Americans break the law they go to jail.. So why should illegal immigrants be treated better than Americans, How can they have rights when they are breaking our Laws, they steal from the USA they don't pay taxes or SS, they send US dollors back to there home county, to buy house's take care of there familys left behind. But with US dollors, thats hurting US The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Don't forget We are not only at war with Iraq, but we ARE at WAR with MEXICO; a silent war, President Fox, who said he will take over the United States with sheer numbers without ever firing a shot. We now have 15-20 million illegals in the United States, and the count rises by a minimum of 5,000 every day. American's Can't buy a homes in Mexico, hispanics can buy homes here. But they live in big numbers in homes, that's not healthy. Illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens, We need a comprehensive program to end illegal immigration; that means ensuring that people who enter illegally or overstay their lawful status will not be able to obtain employment, public assistance benefits, public education, public housing, or any other taxpayer-funded benefit without detection. Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland. Effective control and management of the laws against illegal immigration require adequate resources. But those costs will be more than offset by savings to states, counties, communities, and school districts across the nation. About 80,000 illegal criminal aliens, including convicted murderers, rapists, drug dealers and child molesters who served prison time and were released in Mexico, are loose on the streets of America, hiding from federal immigration Authorities. illegal immigrants are felons, they break our laws, and get away with it. Americans break our laws and get put in jail or prison for it. I was born in the USA, Im worried we are going to have another civil war on our hands... Over This matter. If something is not done about this. People need to Think about Us Americans first. We are America....Why do Amercans? 1. Turn on the TV, Spanish channels Why? 2. Turn on the Radio, Spanish speaking stations why? 3. Everything you buy, Americans have to look for English, Why? 4. Why would Americans need Translators of spanish in the court rooms, When they lived in the USA for 15 years. why? 5. Newspapers in spanish. why? 6. Why do you need to learn spanish, to get a job. why? Why does our government permit and encourage the illegal alien invasion with wide-open borders and un-enforced immigr

Name: Gretchen Ridenhour
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 6:41:24 PM
First of all the United States took Texas, California and a few other states from Mexico. I feel that the Mexicans are no different the American Indian look at all that was taken from them. But are government pays them. So, why should we treat the Mexicans any different? At least that will come over here and work the jobs that us so called Americans are to good to do like pick fruit, come on we think were to good, and besides the farmers couldn't afford to pay us. Think about it is Mexico trying to bomb us no. I think we should be working with them; they are very rich in oil and gas, so I say lets start trading with them and forget Iran and the east. Lets make them a rich country so there people can stay and support there familys.

Name: karen bowie
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:46:40 PM
Subject:constitutional rights for all

what this country is all about is our civil rights and constitutional rights . that all people be treated and created equal . each american citizen is intitled to be free of harrassment , retaliation , and to have due process regardless of race , the constitution states free speech is also our right yet the politicians have turned a death ear to us all . race is not an issue for me and never has been . we need to get people in that support us and our families or tell them its time to go . our families first .

Name: Toasty One
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:42:21 AM

I think you have a good point. However, the Ellis Island thing just won't work. That was a good idea before air transportation because it was a nice way to keep them from the mainland until they were processed. The big problem with illegals is, the educated ones can get jobs and work visas. They also can get companies to sponser them. These people are productive members of our society and pay taxes. I would gladly agree to amnesty for them. The Chinese are an issue because they usually come here as slaves of their own people and are forced to work for their freedom. Which really doesn't have much effect on our economy. Also, these people are too proud or too scared to seek free medical help. The real problem people are the centeral and south americans. They fly in and out of here at will. Some are smart enough to skirt around the law for years. The rest are day laborers, maids, and opares. These people are unfortunately the backbone of residential society. Without them, it would cost most of us thousands of dollars to have our yards and houses cleaned. These jobs are jobs that most Americans regard as menial. Also, who would run the fast food joints.

Unfortunately, as long as there is a market for these people, there will always be plenty of work to draw them into this country.

I think the only way to stop this, is to reenforce the system and slow their ability to take advantage of government provided health care and housing. I think a bigger problem we have is catering to American citizens that are too "F"ing lazy to get off their asses. I see the results of millions of dollars a year being thrown at subsidized housing for these assholes that sit on their porches everyday with their 10 kids running around. Then, as they grow up, become gang bangers and wind up in jail so we can pay for their incarsuration "room, board, and health care" for the next 10 to 20 years.

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chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
Evil Incarnate?


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