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Why Are Black People So Pissed Off?
Posted: Friday, April 18, 2008 2 Hours 17 Minutes 44 Seconds Post Meridian
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I challenge a wide swath of Black America to find one person in their lives who is not pissed.

Many people I know are surrounded by a chorus of people in their lives who are perpetually pissed at everyone and everything.

  • Your parents got discriminated against during the 50's and 60's. Those of you who have experienced generational compression, this might be your grandparents. They remind you during your childhood of all the discrimination and speak disparagingly of white people.
  • Your preacher is also over 50 and subsequently pissed about discrimination he experienced pre-civil rights movement. He will spew his own hatred of the United States in general and white people in particular. Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Fredrick Hanes are good examples of this.
  • Your coworkers also influenced by their parents and preacher are also pissed at their lack of achievement and look at blacks who succeeded in any other way except sports or entertainment with disdain.

What does this add up to? Fear Uncertainty and Doubt about everything.

As a result you go Bowling for Racism. Everything that is said by anyone who is not black is racist. You automatically roll each phrase down the racism lane until it hits a pin. When a pin is hit whether accidentally or not, its time to protest. Examples of this are everywhere. White people: say something bad about Barack Obama, even if its true and see if your not a racist within 24 hours.

Everyone is a racist. You walk around waiting for the star-chamber (the smoke filled room full of white people plotting against the blacks) to destroy the black race.

Meanwhile everyone who is black and happy or successful has sold out. They are singled out as the problem in the black community instead of those who steal, kill and glorify said behavior.

Barack's associates seem to be either radicals (pissed off at something) or angry, pissed off people. Does he have anyone in his circle who has counted a single blessing? Even Michelle Obama is pissed, calling the very country that has allowed her to live comfortably a mean place to live.

So I ask you, black people, are you perpetually pissed? If so, why? and who told you to be pissed?

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RoDog: I'm not bitter and I know a lot of people who are......

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What Jeremiah Wright, Frederick Hanes And Other Black Leaders Are Afraid To Do
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11 Hours 44 Minutes 4 Seconds Ante Meridian
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In my previous entry I talked about how Black People are pissed off. Here is why.

Black leaders especially preachers like Jeremiah Wright and Frederick Hanes are poisoning the thinking of the people who least need to hear negativity.

Meanwhile people like Barack Obama and his wife are successful in spite of their meager beginnings. It defys everything they say. Its time to wake up. The slaves are dead. The slave owners are dead.

If Reverend Wright and others like him talked of what people like Barack CAN do instead of what Reverend Wright and others his age COULDNT do 40 years go perhaps things would be better in Chicago, New Orleans and everywhere else.

How about pumping some of that fire and brimstone energy into:

  • Letting all those fat women in church realize that gluttony is a sin. Obesity is one of the top health issues in the inner city.
  • Tell those women to stop putting up unproductive men in their government provided housing.
  • Tell those men to get jobs. Guess what, without a high-school education, they may not become CEO and make six figures. Whoops!
  • Tell both men and women that great jobs are not available to the uneducated, unkempt and uncouth.
  • Instead of investing 70 grand in a new Escalade, try buying a home instead.
  • Stop being sorry for yourselves, all the slaves and slave owners are dead.
  • Stop looking at socialism to solve your problems. George W. Bush didnt get you pregnant or your son killed in a drive by. Pookie-nem did that shit.

Now politcal leaders cannot say these things and especially preachers cannot preach these these things for if they did, the women they depend on for income, not wanting to hear the error of their ways, would raise up in droves and the men they put up in their government provided or rent-defrayed homes would threaten the preachers lives instead of their fellow man like they do today.

With that in mind, the preachers and other so-called black leaders must stay part of the problem instead of part of the solution if they are to earn a living, stay in power and break off a couple of deese hoes every now and again.

Ironic as it may seem, the only man who has the balls to say these things is Louis Farrakhan. For that I give him some credit.

There are 5 comments for this entry.

daedalus: @Trickydick I am going to assume by your English (or lack thereof)......
Diogenese: "Instead of investing 70 grand in a new Escalade, try buying a......

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You Said
chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
Kill Whitie
Our President
The Magic Negro!
Everybody does it.
More Vanilla than Chocolate these days
